The game of colors is trickier and much more intriguing than you think in the Fashion world! Yes, knowing what colors look best for your skin, how to style different shades and what palette is in-vogue this season is definitely important.

But have you ever wondered about the correlation between colors and temperature? Did you know that some colors are great at attracting heat while others simply can’t retain any?

Keep on reading to find out why and what colors you should invest in this winter!

Colors that retain heat: Dark Shades

Dark shades are known to be the best in retaining heat. This is due to their high ability to absorb wavelengths – or simply solar radiation – and convert them to energy. They then emit this heat into the environment or directly to your skin, keeping you warm.

Colors that do not retain heat: Bright Shades

Contrary to dark shades, bright shades reflect rather than retain wavelengths which in turn absorbs less heat or solar radiation. This is why we feel much more comfortable wearing a simple white tank top in summer, in addition to its light-weight feel.

In hot weather, the colors to invest in are white, pastels and yellow, including their bright shades and tones.

Colors and UV rays

Several studies revealed that the darker and more vivid the shades are, the better protection they offer from UV rays. That’s due to their retention ability that keeps the solar rays trapped, preventing them from reaching your skin, drastically reducing your risk of skin disease.

Knowing which colors to avoid while choosing our winter or summer wardrobe can highly and effectively help us in the warming-up or cooling-down processes, as well as well protect us from undesirable skin damage, all while allowing us to enjoy any season as fashionable and practically as possible!

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